Ons onderneem om deur middel van ‘n hoogs gekwalifiseerde en gemotiveerde personeelkorps die beste en mees effektiewe opvoeding en opleiding aan al ons leerders te voorsien sodat hulle, hul volle potensiaal op akademiese, kulturele, sport- en leierskapgebied kan bereik.
Ons streef altyd na uitnemendheid. Ons doel is om energieke, gelukkige jongmense, wat produktiewe en funksionele burgers kan wees, aan die samelewing te lewer.
Ons onderneem om deur middel van ‘n hoogs gekwalifiseerde en gemotiveerde personeelkorps die beste en mees effektiewe opvoeding en opleiding aan al ons leerders te voorsien sodat hulle, hul volle potensiaal op akademiese, kulturele, sport- en leierskapgebied kan bereik.
Ons streef altyd na uitnemendheid. Ons doel is om energieke, gelukkige jongmense, wat produktiewe en funksionele burgers kan wees, aan die samelewing te lewer.
When one considers the rate that schools sport is developing within all communities of our country and is likely to receive increasing media-exposure, then this is an exciting time to be involved with schools in some form or another.
Our school continually endeavours to offer its and community’s players the best possible coaching, opportunities and facilities to develop and practise their sports;
There is not another school on the East Rand that has our sporting profile. For example, our netball hosts the Gauteng Schools’ Championships (primary and high schools), the S. A. Championships (primary and high schools), Gauteng schools’ netball trials (all ages) annually. Our rugby takes part in a number of major national tournaments, e.g. the Kearsney Festival, the Wildeklawer series, the TUKS schools’ series and the VirSekerbeker for macro schools (our under -15s won the trophy this year, our under-16s played in the final), the Noordvaal 7s championships. We have produced provincial and national players consistently across all sporting codes for many years. The achievements go on.
We have the infrastructure and facilities that are the envy of many clubs which enhance our and our community’s sporting profile;
The East Rand has a wealth of potential and talent which deserves to be developed properly and not go to waste;
Sponsorship offers both the private and business sectors a unique marketing opportunity which will be beneficial to all parties concerned. Returns include exposure through naming rights, advertising space around playing fields and courts, hosting festivals and tournaments, coaching clinics and courses.
As a government school, we are responsible solely for raising necessary funds, even if the intended purpose and application would benefit the entire community. Despite our best intentions, this type of undertaking falls outside the scope of GDE funding; and
We are situated in the heart of Boksburg, a rapidly expanding commercial and industrial centre, close to O. R. Tambo Airport (±4 km) and the various main arteries into Johannesburg.
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